Hogskull Writers

Nelson Lynch creates a blog for the Writers of Hogskull, a suburb of Taylorville, Maryland, the hub of the known Universe. Writers include Fran Carlson, Liz Paterra, JH Williams, Dale Cathell, Susan Beverly and Dolores Pike

Sunday, October 30, 2022


I made out like a bandit on my birthday. Omaha Steaks, Harry and David, Mr. Sausageman, three bottles of wine, a bag of hard candies, chocolate covered cherries and other assorted goodies. I expect the same ten years from now.

I checked the internet. 16% of all men born in 1932 are still alive. 34% of all women from 1932 are still here, That holds true for my HS class. Four boys are left and nine girls.   

Heather furnished shrimp and cherrystones. Cassandra fixed the lobster and made a delicious cake. King Farouk never had it this good. 

Azalea Rd 
October 2022


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