Hogskull Writers

Nelson Lynch creates a blog for the Writers of Hogskull, a suburb of Taylorville, Maryland, the hub of the known Universe. Writers include Fran Carlson, Liz Paterra, JH Williams, Dale Cathell, Susan Beverly and Dolores Pike

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Monday, May 21, 2007


That is one huge rattler.
        They should turn him loose so he can reproduce.
        Ticks are out in full force. In the last two days, I have removed three from behind my left knee.
        A nice cool sunny day.  Jeanne just cut a mess of asparagus. We'll have that, lettuce and a nice grilled chop of some description.
        We ate at the Globe Saturday nite. It's not cheap. I had a Bass Ale draft for $4. Smitty would choke. hoho
Love to Alllllll!

from e-mail

Take ten and relax.


to second blog.
Monday at 12:54