Hogskull Writers

Nelson Lynch creates a blog for the Writers of Hogskull, a suburb of Taylorville, Maryland, the hub of the known Universe. Writers include Fran Carlson, Liz Paterra, JH Williams, Dale Cathell, Susan Beverly and Dolores Pike

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Linda at the farm.  Posted by Picasa

Two grannies and grand daughter Posted by Picasa

Preparing for dinner Posted by Picasa

Cadi, in fifth grade Posted by Picasa

Sue Rosenthal and Jeanne  Posted by Picasa

Same Posted by Picasa

Jeanne and Cadi 2005 in Somerville Posted by Picasa

Hartford Statehouse from our hotel window Posted by Picasa

three Posted by Picasa

three more Posted by Picasa

Jeanne Posted by Picasa

linda Posted by Picasa